Over the spring and summer of 2017, our consultant, Housatonic Valley Association, and our Regional Trails Committee worked to craft a number of maps that highlight the tremendous trail assets we have in the region and identify key opportunities for trail connectivity. The products are an interactive online regional trail map, a Regional Trail Map and Connectivity Assessment Report (see the high-resolution Regional Trail Map here), Regional Trail Master Spreadsheet, and a Regional Trail Maps of Current and Proposed Trail Networks. The NHCOG board approved all of these maps and the connectivity assessment at the September 14, 2017 meeting.
Over the summer of 2018, HVA enhanced the regional trails map to add search functions and featured trails. Our regional trails page has additional information and a video tutorial on how to use the interactive trails map. Most available trails are on the regional trails map; however, some trails were withheld due to safety or access concerns. Please let us know how we can improve the trails information.
We hope that this will highlight the incredible work of regional land trusts and conservation organizations, support tourism opportunities, and increase trail access for our residents.