NHCOG is developing a Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to guide future transportation decisions for our region. It will consider potential needs for all modes of transportation, including automobile, transit, rail, walking, and bicycling. The improvement projects will be prioritized and the plan will list potential funding for each project. Learn more about the RTP here.

To do this, we need to hear from you! We will be holding three transportation forums, each of which will focus on a specific transportation mode.

[column col=”1/4″]Public Transit Forum
Tuesday, March 22nd
4:00PM to 6:00PM
Sullivan Senior Center
88 E Albert St
Torrington, CT[/column]

[column col=”1/4″]Bicycle & Pedestrian Forum
Tuesday, March 22nd
6:30PM to 8:30PM
Sullivan Senior Center
88 E Albert St
Torrington, CT[/column]

[column col=”1/4″]Rail Forum
Thursday, April 7th
6:30PM to 8:30PM
NHCOG Office
59 Torrington Road, Suite A-1
Goshen, CT[/column]





RTP Forum Flyer
